Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil for Kids

Virgin Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer for the delicate skin of kids. A little benefits Virgin coconut oil for kids after a bath can keep your child’s skin smooth and help him sail smoothly through the dreaded winters.

And not just skincare, from boosting immunity to hair care, coconut oil has many benefits for kids. It has amazing qualities that can help improve virtually every area of your child’s health as well as the overall quality of life.

Wanna know more? Let us have a look at some amazing benefits of coconut oil for kids:

Increases Nutrient Absorption in Body

Being able to feed nutritious food to your child is one of the biggest challenges most mothers face. However, when you add a tablespoon of coconut oil in your kid’s food prior to eating, it increases the body’s absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals by as much as eighteen times.

Stimulates in Hair Growth

Don’t tell me you don’t crave for your child to have thick black hair similar to the babies in the television ads. Commercial oils and lotions that claim to stimulate hair growth in kids are often full of harsh chemicals and do more harm than good.

Makes Teething Pain-free

One of the toughest times as a new mom is to handle kids during teething. Teething time for kids is often painful where nothing seems to help.  Applying pure, virgin coconut oil on the gums of infants dilates and soothes the pain during teething.

Makes for Amazing After-Bath Moisturiser

I know what you are thinking. “Baths make babies’ dry skin even drier”. But, not if you use coconut oil as an after-bath moisturizer. Pat the baby’s skin dry with a towel after the bath and then apply coconut oil while the skin is damp. This can be very restorative and will keep the baby’s skin soft and smooth throughout the day.

It Improves Mental Alertness

Most kids feel out of energy after school or after a long session of playing games.  Do you know that virgin coconut oil can help in improving your child’s mental alertness? By adding a few tablespoons of coconut oil to their daily diet you can help them maintain a higher level of energy throughout the day.

Boosts Immunity in Kids

Ah! Every mother understands the pain of dealing with a kid with a running nose, cough, and cold. Regular cough and cold are a testimony of poor immunity in the child.

The good news is that adding coconut oil to the daily diet of a child can help in significantly boosting their immunity.  Lauric acid present in the coconut oil gets converted into monolaurin, which is helpful in fighting bacteria and viruses. It helps the babies fight the seasonal flues.

Helps in Healing Fungal Infections

Applying coconut oil often to the affected areas helps in healing fungal infections in kids. And by often I mean 5 to 8 times a day. Yes, it is easier said than done, especially for kids who throw a tantrum every time an ointment or cream is put on. But you need to find a way out. The benefits of virgin coconut oil for kids have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that can effectively relieve fungal infections. And most importantly, it is natural.


Virgin Coconut Oil For Diabetes.

In 1998, a study done in India showed that when Indians substituted traditional fats like ghee and coconut oil with polyunsaturated fats like sunflower or safflower oils, diabetes rates spiked up. This lead to more research about the effect of saturated fats on diabetes and that is how a debate over virgin coconut oil for diabetes came into existence. Let’s discuss below the effects of virgin coconut oil on diabetes.

Coconut Oil for type 2 diabetes

It is popularly believed that a healthy diet can reverse type 2 diabetes. To reverse type 2 diabetes, restrictions on intake of refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol from one’s diet is advise while increasing the intake of healthy saturated fats.

Coconut oil for type 1 diabetes

Contrary to type 2 diabetes that is related to one’s diet and lifestyle, type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disease that shuts the production of insulin in your body. It has been noticed that people with type 1 diabetes crave high-glycemic foods like rice, doughnuts, french fries, watermelon, etc. 

Virgin coconut oil, which is packed with healthy saturated fats, when consumed regularly by patients suffering from type 1 diabetes can help control their cravings. Diabetes is also known to cause mood swings and lower energy levels and coconut oil has been proven to tackle both these symptoms with regular use. A study conducted in May 2009 concluded: “Medium-chain triglycerides offer the therapeutic advantage of preserving brain function under hypoglycemic conditions without causing deleterious hyperglycemia.”

Off late, coconut oil has been found to be beneficial in tackling Alzheimer’s disease, a result of type 3 diabetes.

Difference between coconut oil and virgin coconut oil

DifferencesRegular Coconut OilVirgin Coconut Oil
Extraction MethodRegular coconut oil is made from copra, dried coconut kernel. The copra is pressed and the oil extracted is refined, bleached, and deodorized.Virgin coconut oil is extracted from the fresh milk of the coconut using natural methods and is left unrefined.
AppearanceMay have a bit more color though reading the label will help.Usually clearer in appearance with the label reading ‘Virgin” or “Cold-pressed”.
CompositionRefined coconut oil may be hydrogenated and contain trans fats.Virgin coconut oil contains only medium-chain saturated fatty acids.
Health BenefitsRefined coconut oil is processed using chemicals, fiddling with the purity of the oil.Virgin coconut oil has greater antioxidant levels with a stronger, sweeter taste. It is free of any chemicals, toxins or additives.
PriceRegular coconut oil is priced lower.Virgin coconut oil is priced higher due to its purity.

Virgin coconut oil and Diabetes – Benefits

  1. Improves Cholesterol Levels, increasing HDL, and decreasing LDL.
  2. Reduces body fat, especially visceral fat that causes heart diseases.
  3. Regulates blood sugar levels, controlling cravings for sweets.
  4. Improves calcium and magnesium absorption capacity of the body.
  5. Helps slow the progression of Alzheimer’s, a possible outcome of type 3 diabetes.

Risk Factors while using virgin coconut oil for diabetes

Coconut oil, because of its high-fat content, is still considered unhealthy. Saturated fat is said to raise cholesterol levels leading to heart disease and diabetics have a higher risk of heart disease. However, a study that compared coconut with soybean oil found that the latter was more likely to start the onset of obesity and symptoms of diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends limiting the intake of saturated fats and therefore substitute coconut oil with olive or safflower oil.

How to include virgin coconut oil into your diet if you’re diabetic

Coconut oil, with its many proven health benefits, can be used for a variety of dishes to enhance the flavour of it, or as a substitute for other fats. Some uses can be:

  1. Salad Dressing – as an emulsion or just oil dressing
  2. Pre-workout drink – Bullet coffee or tea
  3. Mixed in cake batters and pancakes
  4. Used for deep frying or stir-fries
  5. As a pickling oil

When opting for virgin coconut oil for diabetes, it is best to go for a brand that uses the best products to extract the oil without using any heat or chemicals. The Coconut People’s cold-pressed coconut oil is made with coconuts from the tropical Indian state of Karnataka and is packed in a sealed glass jar to preserve its freshness. To buy, visit here

Safety measures for Coronavirus

Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus. Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, Saftey measures for the Coronavirus.

Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus

Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following:

Wash your hands frequently

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing

Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain a virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

Why? Droplets spread the virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.

Stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider

Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow the advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.


#stay safe

#away from coronavirus

Some References:

How Virgin coconut oil help to maintain good skin

Virgin Coconut Oil is the new ‘must-have’ in the health and beauty industry. If you’re in need of some TLC after the harsh winter, this amazing oil has tremendous benefits for your hair, body, and skin. It can be use in numerous ways to keep you looking and feeling your best, virgin coconut oil helps to maintain good skin.

Coconut Oil Can Moisturize Dry Skin

In addition to its effects on acne and inflammation, applying coconut oil to your skin can also help keep it hydrated. One study in patients with mild to moderately dry skin compares the effects of coconut oil to mineral oil, a type of oil made from petroleum that’s often used to treat dry skin.

The two-week study found that coconut oil significantly improved skin hydration and was just as effective as mineral oil.

It has also been shown to help treat eczema, a skin condition characterized by scaly, itchy rashes.

A study comparing the effects of olive oil and coconut oil in 52 adults with eczema found that applying coconut oil helped reduce dryness, in addition to helping treat eczema.

Another study found similar results, showing that coconut oil led to a 68% decrease in eczema severity, making it significantly more effective than mineral oil in the treatment of eczema.

Keeping your skin hydrated can help preserve its function as a barrier to keep out bacteria, promote the healing of scars and maintain overall skin integrity.

Coconut Oil May Help With Wound Healing

Several studies have demonstrated that coconut oil may also aid wound healing.

One animal study looked at how coconut oil applied to the skin affected wound healing in rats.

It found that treating the wounds with virgin coconut oil sped up healing, improved antioxidant status and increased levels of collagen, an important protein that aids in wound healing.

Another animal study shows that coconut oil combines with an antibiotic apply to the skin was effective at healing burn wounds.

In addition to improving wound healing, its antimicrobial properties may also prevent infection, one of the major risk factors that can complicate the healing process.

Benefits of Virgin coconut oil for skin

The benefits of organic Coconut Oil for your skin are extensive. It will act as a moisturizer, rejuvenator, and could help with dry skin and irritations. The list goes on and here are just a few of the top benefits organic Coconut Oil can help you with your skin;

  • Prevent premature aging – organic coconut oil has antioxidant properties that are known to help stop skin aging early. 
  • Smooth skin – by applying to the skin’s surface, organic coconut oil will help to keep the appearance of the skin healthy and smooth. 
  • Retain moisture – organic coconut oil is known to help to reduce moisture loss via pores due to its natural composition of saturate fat. 
  • Heal wounds – If there is a cut or wound on the skin, applying organic coconut oil to the skin, some say that it will help in the protection of microbial infections. 
  • Protect against cracking – Due to its Vitamin E content, organic Coconut Oil helps to prevent skin from cracking.
  • Help skin growth – organic oil is known to help skin growth because of its Vitamin E content.
  • Repair wear and tear – The rejuvenating properties of the Proteins found in organic Coconut Oil may help the replacement of damaged cells on or near the skin. 
  • Maintain a tan – Applied to the skin’s surface when tanned, it may help to prolong the tan.

One of the best benefits of organic Coconut Oil for the skin is that it lasts a long time in comparison to some other oils and is, therefore, uses as a base ingredient in many beauty products. Faith in Nature produces a range of skincare using organic coconut Oil brimming with aromas to enrich your senses and soothe your day. Virgin coconut oil helps to maintain good skin, The range includes Coconut Bar Soap, coconut Hand Wash, Coconut Body Lotion, Coconut Hand Cream, and Coconut Shower Gel & Foam Bath.

Some References:

Virgin coconut oil good for thyroid

Coconut oil is almost like a miracle food that has positive health effects through internal and external use. Including it in the diet promotes long-term health, relieving the symptoms of various health conditions while helping to prevent or reduce the risk of disease.

Millions of people suffer from thyroid disease. While usually common in women, it also afflicts men and children. The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism and energy levels and stimulates healthy growth in children. When it is out of balance, it results in exhaustion, reduce appetite, depression, skin and hair problems, and weight issues. It can also trigger other conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and lupus.

In a prior article, entitled Foods to Naturally Support Thyroid Health, I reported the incident of mild hypothyroidism in the United States was estimated at thirty percent in women. “Mature” women commonly confuse the symptoms of thyroid malfunction with those of menopause. Common symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, irregular periods, problems catching one’s breath and depression. Many go years without a proper diagnosis or treatment plan. One major line of defense is a proper diet and the importance of thyroid “friendly” foods, which include beans, herb teas, and friendly oils such as coconut, olive, flaxseed, and sunflower.

Coconut oil’s stability contributes to thyroid health

In spite of being rich in saturated fat, coconut oil is stable. Unlike vegetable oils which are known to cause oxidative stress and impede the conversion of thyroid hormones in the liver, coconut oil promotes this conversion and fights free radicals, keeping the liver healthy.

Often, in spite of good nutrition, malnourishment can occur because unsaturated oils prevent the digestion of protein in the stomach. It is important for the body to absorb vitamins and minerals such as zinc, vitamin B2, B3, B6 and B12 that help to prevent hypothyroidism and keep the body healthy.

Extra virgin organic coconut oil can be included in the diet to replace unhealthy fats and also as a substitute for butter, as cooking oil, and in smoothies. Just two tablespoons a day can make a significant difference in thyroid health.

The benefits of extra virgin coconut oil for thyroid health

Including extra virgin organic coconut oil in your diet helps you:

  • Improve body metabolism
  • Relieve the symptoms of thyroid disease
  • Keep skin and hair healthy
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Improve immune system
  • Heal depression

Coconut oil’s saturate fat content is made of medium-chain fatty acids which are responsible for its health benefits. For those whose thyroid function is low, coconut oil raises their body temperature and boosts their metabolism which is a critical benefit for those with hypothyroidism. It also repairs tissue and reduces inflammation. Its action inhibits the spread of intestinal micro-organisms responsible for the inflammation.

Organic virgin coconut oil is derive from the meat of matured coconuts and is mild in flavor and an extremely stable oil, making it most suitable for cooking and appropriate in medium to high heat to 350 degrees. One tablespoon has 130 calories and 12g of saturated fat, with zero trans fats, no cholesterol and is gluten, sodium, and sugar-free. It should be stored in a cool dry place, no refrigeration is necessary. The coconut oil remains in a solid-state but will quickly transform to liquid at temperatures around 75 degrees. All health and nutrition properties remain the same in either the solid or the liquid state. Below are three easy ways to add it to your life. Virgin coconut oil is good for thyroid.

Some References:

10 Tips to maintain healthy hair

Health is Wealth. Hair Fall becomes the biggest problem because it alters the external beauty of a person, but maintaining a healthy hair is completely in your hands. Balanced Diet, maintaining a clean scalp, staying hydrated, coconut oil – Virgin Coconut Oil preferably, lesser usage of chemical based shampoo and hair colours will be the cautions for not damaging the hair. Firstly let’s see 10 tips which can be followed to avoid hair fall and strengthens the hair.

1. Maintain a balanced diet

Many people don’t realise that what they eat can impact the strength and overall appearance of their hair. Above all diet of the 13 essential vitamins, including Vitamin A and E, you can keep your hair strong, shiny and healthy.

2.Massage Your Scalp

Massaging your scalp and gently washing it with luke warm water helps to improve the blood circulation in the scalp. Moreover it also evenly spreads the oils that you massage with making the roots strong and help to keep your hair hydrated.

In addition with the above statement massage with coconut oil gradually increases the chances of good, long and strong hair. Hair oils are effective for hair growth and act as natural conditioners as they are packed with essential vitamins that are necessary for your scalp health.

3.Braid before bed

When you lie in bed, your hair can become tangled, so before you hit the hay, put it into a loose plait. Above all the structure of the braid will keep your hair tangle-free, and as a bonus you’ll wake up with soft waves too!

4.Stay Hydrated

Your hair needs moisture to stay strong and grow without which your hair will become brittle and form split ends. So take a step back and ask yourself, are you drinking enough water? and sorry, coffee doesn’t count ; )

5.Condition Your Hair Regularly

It is important that you should condition your hair from time to time. Same as a mild shampoo, use a mild conditioner. Applying an appropriate amount of conditioner will keep your hair shiny and smooth.

It will keep your hair free from knots that will not lay stress on your hair roots and will prevent hair breakage. It helps manage frizzy hair while adding shine and volume to it.

6.Keep products to a minimum

You may be tempted to layer up the haircare products on the assumption that it will make your hair appear sleeker and shinier. However, too many haircare products can weigh down your hair and sometimes make it appear greasy. As a general rule of thumb, you should use four products on your hair: shampoo, conditioner, heat protector and a styling product.

7.Use Natural Oils and Treatments

It can be difficult to sift through all the brands and products out there and determine which hair product is, in fact, the most beneficial.

Above all the answer is just to keep it simple and natural.

Here are a few products that are known for promoting luscious hair:

Experiment with them yourself, and discover which treatments your hair responds to best!

8.Don’t use a towel to dry your hair

Now, after learning the tricks of washing your hair, it’s time to cover how to dry it. Most people habitually dry their hair with a regular old bath towel.

As it turns out, that is one of the worst ways to dry your hair. It can lead to damage and excessive dryness.

If you have been using a regular towel for a while now, don’t worry! Simply swap out your towel with an old t-shirt or microfiber cloth.

My personal favourite is to use a bamboo hair towel. These are amazing since they:

  • Are light and easy on your hair
  • Don’t collect bacteria
  • Don’t develop a bad smell
  • Dry quickly

Whatever you use, just don’t go back to drying (damaging) your hair with a regular bath towel!

9.Don’t over-colour your hair

This can do a lot of damage to your hair so try to limit how often you dye it – if you just need to recolour your roots, look for specific root touch-up kits that only need to be applied to the problem area, minimising damage to the rest of your mane. No-ammonia hair dyes are a great choice too, as they are gentler than some other colourants.


Before taking any hair supplement consult a dermatologist to know what are the best supplements for your hair type. These supplements will give you the required nutrients that we need for a better scalp.

They not only protect your hair but also boost the hair growth. Take the supplement that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Some References :